Indian Head Massage is a treatment that focuses on the upper back, shoulders, neck, upper arms, face and scalp. During treatment tensions are eased and fiborous knots can melt away. There will be an improvement to circulation, toxins are dispersed from tense muscles, and flexibility is restored.
Treatment is performed while the client is in a seated position. It can be done while fully clothed and without using oil.
Benefits of treatment:
- Relaxation of tense muscles
- Knots broken down
- Toxins are dispersed
- Loosens the scalp
- Increase of oxygen uptake in tissues
- Improves circulation
- Additional oxygen to the brain
- Can provide relief from Tension Headaches, Migraine, Insomnia, Sinusitis and congestion, Ear Ache, Eye Strain, Tinnitus, Aching Jaw.
- Can help with stress related disorders such as Alopecia, Hair Loss, Dandruff, psoriasis, scalp tension
- Clears perspective and eases mental tiredness
- Lifts feeling of depression
- Increases levels of concentration
- Reduces anxiety and stress